The health drinks that is going to rock the world going forward is any drink that has acai content in it. Superfruits are going to be a multi billion dollar industry and the health credentials that acai offers is simply mind boggling. This Brazilian rainforest fruit called acai (ah-SIGH-ee) is becoming the Superfruit godfather and its presence in every fruit juice product is going to bring a humongous response in a few years to come. There are already products like Bossa Nova Acai Juice in countries like USA and the sales of acai based juices are growing like a wild fire.
This Acai juice is little costlier than other fruit drinks like smoothies. It costs $3.00 (at Shoprite supermarket) for a 10oz bottle. I tried the Acai with passion fruit and it really tastes great. Its ingredients are wild harvested acai juice, passion fruit juice, organic agave and some natural flavors. Acai tastes like those black grape juice with a thrust.
Infact Acai drink is marketed by world's biggest distributor called Monavie. Monavie is a network marketing company like Amway and they are only distributing the Acai juice in two types flavors. Within a span of 5 years, it has become a million dollar company and lots of millionaires were made just because of the power of Acai and the companies profit sharing model.
Stay in tune with Acai and many of its scientific reasoning for a healthy drink makes to think of Acai as the next generation jewel in the health industry. If you would like to boost your intake of antioxidants, Acai is the only way to go, but the drink is little too expensive. When it comes to Acai, you got to compromise the money factor to health. It is that simple.
apdiyaaaa! :)
Posted on 7:06 PM
Monavie has been in business for 3 years and 4 months. It has reached a billion dollars in sales. It's goal ios to be a $20 billion business in 20 years.
Posted on 7:59 AM